1 billion candidates at your fingertips

Find potential candidates in a variety of online sources that other recruiters won't find.

The solution

AI talent search engine

Stop wasting time searching talent manually on just a single platform.

More platforms, more data

Find talent in millions of profiles, across dozens of platforms.

AI skills analytics

Some profiles make the cut, some don’t. You save time.

Verified contact details

Reach candidates straight in their inbox and get responses.

GPT powered recruitment

Generate AI searches

Generate an AI shortlist of candidates based on a single line description of your ideal candidate.

'I found the candidates I was looking for and the best part was that they actually responded to my outreach because they weren't bombarded with messages yet'

Real-time search

No outdated and vulnerable databases, 1 billion candidates in reach

100% up-to-date data

Candidate information is always up-to-date and complete

GDPR and privacy proof

Public information only intended for professional use

The benefits

Your competitive edge with HeroHunt Search

Find 5x more contact details

That candidates expect to be reached on.

Get rich and validated skills data

So you can make instant decisions.

Boost matching accuracy

And save time filtering.

Find 3x more candidates

Than sourcing with LinkedIn only.

Interactive Demo

Uwi is ready to recruit for you
The product

What you get

Personal login and environment in an always-on software solution
Automated searches based on your job descriptions that are quick and accurate
A reach of 1 billion candidates across a variety of platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub and Stack Overflow
Rich candidate information including top matching skills and years of experience
Contact details and outreach based on approaches you trust like email, LinkedIn, phone and Twitter
Saving candidates and action tracking to keep control over who you viewed, contacted and saved
Auto generated personalized outreach messages with personalisations and one click send button

Find and reach the best talent across platforms

1 billion reach
Enriched profiles
Contact details