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How much do talent advisors make (2023)?

The talent advisor plays a critical role in the organisation with a more strategic view on hiring and therefore typically have a higher average salary than most recruiters.

September 29, 2020
Yuma Heymans
October 28, 2022

Talent Advisors have a critical role in organizations since they are not only responsible for filling positions within the organization but also have a strategic role in informing leadership and hiring managers on who to hire, where to look for talent and how to execute the recruiting process.

The quick answer to what a Talent Advisor makes

The median salary for a Talent Advisor is $85,000 per year. The salary range for Talent Advisors falls between $75,000 and $110,000 per year in the United States, but can vary significantly per country.

Here’s an overview of the median salary of talent advisors per experience level:

  • 5 years or less of experience: annual salary of $80,000
  • 6 to 10 years of experience: annual salary of $90,000
  • 11 to 15 years of experience: annual salary of $100,000
  • 16 years or more of experience: annual salary of $110,000

What Does a Talent Advisor Do?

A talent advisor’s job is to help companies find and hire the best candidates for open positions. Talent advisors typically work with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. They use their knowledge of the hiring process to help companies identify the candidates who are the best fit for the job and who will be the most successful in the role.

Talent advisors are typically more strategic than the average recruiter. They tend to be more involved in the analysis of the needs of the company in terms of talent.

Talent advisors usually have a background in human resources or recruiting. They use their skills and experience to help businesses with all aspects of the hiring process, from talent mappings to developing job descriptions and conducting interviews. Talent advisors also often have experience working with different personality types and assessing candidates’ qualifications. In addition to helping companies hire employees, talent advisors also provide guidance on succession planning and hiring strategy.

Their broad perspective on hiring typically requires more experience than transactional recruiting; they have to have more experience built up over several departments and functions within the people side of business.

Differences in salary and compensation between talent advisors

Talent Advisors are in high demand and are compensated accordingly. Since they have a crucial role in growing the company with the right people they earn more on average than the average recruiting or talent acquisition professional with a median salary of $85,000 per year and a median bonus of $5,000 per year (ranging between $1,000 and $10,000 per year).

Location is one of the biggest factors that affect talent advisor salaries. Talent advisors who live and work in large metropolitan areas tend to make more money than those who work in smaller towns or rural areas. This is due to the increased cost of living in larger cities as well as the higher demand for talent advisors in these areas. Also the country in which the Talent Advisor is working heavily influences salary. A talent advisor in the United States for example earns a lot more than the average talent advisor in a South American country.

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