Find more contact details from candidates for targeted outreach

HeroHunt finds all public contact details on the platforms that we search for you.

Contact finder

Find verified contact details for almost any candidate

Automatically find emails and boost your outreach.

'More relevant ways of reaching out means higher chances of response'

Contact details automatically found

HeroHunt automatically finds any public contact details of the candidate. Because HeroHunt searches different platforms it also finds more contact details like email addresses, simple as that.

Found contact details are public

Many contact finders and sourcing solutions use breached databases. That is not allowed and can lead to high fines and angry candidates. HeroHunt shows public contact details only and is GDPR compliant.

Engage with talent in the places where they are active

HeroHunt gives you the platforms and contact details that candidates have made public so you can reach them in the places where they want to be contacted and respond from.

What our customers say

We like to surprise users with an ever improving smooth search and outreach experience.

“I used to search contact details manually, now HeroHunt does it for me :) “

Marie Nelissen
Inhouse tech sourcer

“I'm no longer bound to Inmails, HeroHunt finds email, phone number and Twitter for me“

Nicolae Radu
Tech recruiter

“We don't need any expensive and noncompliant contact finder tools anymore“

Robyn Mackenzie
Head TA

Try it out

1 billion candidates
Contact info
Outreach automation
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Other use cases

HeroHunt has a lot more to offer than finding candidate contact details.