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The workforce of the biggest SaaS companies in the world (2021)

SaaS companies have proven to be successful, but who do they employ to make it all happen?

September 29, 2020
Yuma Heymans
September 7, 2022

Role composition for SaaS companies

We took a deep dive into the world’s biggest SaaS companies and investigated who they employ.

Based on LinkedIn Insights data we give an overview of the team composition of these companies and what we can learn from the insights at an aggregated level.

The top 5 world’s biggest SaaS companies are:

  1. Salesforce
  2. ServiceNow
  3. Square
  4. Atlassian
  5. Workday

Average workforce composition of SaaS companies

For the top 5 SaaS companies this is the overall role composition.

Remarkable is that the engineering departments almost account for 1/3 of the entire workforce.

Sales roles cover the second biggest part of the workforce.

IT roles come in second. IT differs from engineering in the sense that engineering is basically responsible for product development and IT supports the organization's own IT processes needed to run the business.

Business development, marketing and product management together account for 12% of the workforce.

Other roles are positions in HR, operations, design, finance and support roles.

Here is the workforce distribution for every individual SaaS company.


Engineering and sales together account for half of Salesforce's organization. It has the biggest 'Salesforce' of all top 5 companies.


ServiceNow has an equally distributed workforce.


Square relatively has the most roles in 'other roles' which are roles like HR, operations, design, finance and support.


Atlassian has by far the biggest workforce of engineers, almost covering half of the entire organization.


Workday has a big engineering department.

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