The Interview Scorecard is a tool used by recruiters to help assess and compare candidates. It is a way to objectively compare candidates based on their qualifications and performance in an interview.
A scorecard is a tool used by interviewers to rate candidates on a pre-determined set of criteria. This allows for a more objective assessment of candidates and helps to ensure that all candidates are treated fairly.
The criteria on the scorecard should be based on the job requirements and the competencies that are necessary for success in the role. Each criterion should be given a weighting based on its importance. For example, if communication skills are essential for the role, then this criterion should be given a high weighting.
The interviewer will rate each candidate against the criteria on the scorecard. They will then add up the scores to give each candidate a total interview score. The candidate with the highest score is usually the preferred candidate.
Scorecards can be used for all types of interviews, including face-to-face, telephone, and Skype interviews.
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