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How to cancel LinkedIn Recruiter Lite (with screenshots)

This is how to cancel LinkedIn Recruiter (Lite) right away, with clear steps and screenshots.

September 29, 2020
Yuma Heymans
May 9, 2024

You want to cancel LinkedIn Recruiter Lite. Maybe it didn’t give you the expected results, you stopped hiring or you found an alternative recruitment solution.

Canceling LinkedIn Recruiter Lite is not as straight forward as you might expect, so we wrote the guide for you so you can be sure you won’t be charged anymore going forward.

1. Go to LinkedIn

Navigate to LinkedIn Recruiter.

2. Choose contract

Select LinkedIn Recruiter (Lite) and proceed.

3. Go to product settings

Click your icon and then product settings.

4. Click cancel

Under cancel subscription.

5. Click continue to cancel

Option on the right side.

6. Click continue to cancel, again…

😑Yes, again...

7. One more time…

Choose option ‘Other’ if you don’t want to leave feedback.

8. Done!

Just to be sure, check your subscription status in LinkedIn at Settings & Privacy > Account preferences > Manage premium account. There you should see the last date of your billing cycle.

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