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How to hire remote talent globally

Recruiters, the world is your oyster. This guide shines a light on how to find, engage, hire and keep global remote talent.

September 29, 2020
Yuma Heymans
June 3, 2023

Hiring remote talent globally is an increasingly popular way to bring a diverse set of skills and experiences to an organization.

Companies have discovered the many benefits of remote teams, such as cost savings, increased productivity, and access to a larger talent pool. 

With the right strategies and tools, any organization can successfully tap into the global talent market and find the right people for their team.

In this guide, you will learn how to hire remote talent globally, from initial search to hiring and keeping talent. 

Applying these simple techniques and tools will provide your hiring company access to an 8 billion people talentpool.

And the best thing is; remote employees are oftentimes the most cost and time efficient employees that you will employ.

In this guide you’ll read how to:

  1. Find remote talent
  2. Engage remote talent
  3. Hire remote talent
  4. Keep remote talent satisfied

1. Find remote talent

Best solution: use a talent search engine

There are several ways to find the right talent who’s willing to work remotely. Since working remotely, at least occasionally, is one of the top desired benefits nowadays of candidates and employees globally, you can assume that most talent (at least in the world of technology) prefers to work remotely at least some of their time.

When you start your search you want to at least include two search parameters in your search: skills and location.

Skills you include in your search are based on your job requirements list (for example certain tech or commercial skills).

Location is your preferred location as a hiring company that you would like the candidates to be based in. Location preferences can be influenced by many different factors, like local salary standards, legal requirements, preferred cultural backgrounds and talent density.

Because your search for talent can get quite specific, it’s recommended to use a talent finding solution that has a big reach of talent.

Here are some of the best solutions to use to find remote talent:

Use remote job boards and websites

Many job boards and websites specialize in connecting employers with remote workers.

Depending on the type of job you’re looking to fill, you can find specialized job boards and websites that cater to remote job seekers.

These are some of the most used remote job boards:

Find talent using a talent search engine for remote talent

Job boards can be a good solution to get connected to remote talent. But many times the quality of talent coming in through job boards are not the best of the best.

Passive candidates are typically the highest qualified candidates and you can find them using a talent search solution.

An example of a search engine for remote talent is HeroHunt.ai. 

HeroHunt.ai finds 1 billion candidates worldwide and lets you engage with them through personalized messages.

Leverage social media

Social media is a great way to find remote talent. Use hashtags and keywords to search for remote workers and engage in conversations with those who fit the criteria for the job.

Use platforms where (remote) candidates are typically discovering new job opportunities. That means the obvious like LinkedIn, but also the less obvious platforms like TikTok and Instagram where remote workers are engaging with their topics of interest.

2. Engage remote candidates

Best solution: use an outreach engine

Candidate engagement is the practice of interacting with potential candidates over several touchpoints during the recruiting cycle in order to build relationships and create a positive candidate experience. A great candidate experience is for a big part the result of great candidate engagement.

An important part of candidate engagement is the initial outreach to potential candidates that you have found with your talent search engine (see 1).

Candidates are best engaged with highly personalized messages that refer to their background, interests and skills.

Engaging global remote talent adds two additional points of attention: 1) you have to understand and make yourself understandable to talent with varying cultural backgrounds and language skills and 2) everything is remote, so you need to establish trust and understanding over (usually) email, chat and video call.

Communicating with different cultures

Engaging with candidates from countries that you are not very familiar with can introduce some awkward moments in the interactions that you have with them.

Do your research before engaging with candidates from a for you new country so you are aware of certain customs and behaviours that you can expect from different cultures.

This will make communication a lot more smooth since there's more mutual understanding and respect for each other's differences.

Also show interest while engaging with candidates from different cultures in their background and for example their home town. You'll learn a lot of new things and the candidates feel a lot more appreciated.

Establish trust

The key point here from an engagement perspective is to be very transparent about your intentions from the beginning. Make clear what your goal is (to hire a person for a certain role).

Also make your outreach highly personalized. This way the candidate knows you have been looking at their profile and they feel personally addressed.

3. Employ remote talent

Best solution: use an Employer of Record (EOR)

The challenge that most companies face who want to hire remote talent is that the hiring company doesn’t have an office in just any country.

That’s why a lot of hiring companies and recruiters assume that they can’t hire talent from other countries than the country they’re based out of.

But that’s not correct. With the help of a so-called Employer of Record (EOR) you can hire global talent legally without having an office in that country.

An Employer of Record (EOR) is a legal entity that is responsible for the hiring, managing, and paying of employees for a company. The company that contracts with an EOR, known as the “principal”, can outsource its human resource functions.

An EOR is responsible for the legal and financial obligations of an employer, including payroll, taxes, benefits, and compliance with employment laws and regulations.

The EOR model is becoming increasingly popular with companies that are expanding their workforce on a global scale. This model allows companies to hire workers in new countries without the need to build an infrastructure from the ground up. An EOR can provide access to local talent, manage the day-to-day HR functions, and ensure compliance with local regulations.

By contracting with an EOR, companies can save money on recruitment costs and eliminate the need to manage a complex HR infrastructure. Additionally, the EOR is responsible for the financial and legal obligations of the employer, freeing up the company to focus on their core business.The EOR model is not without risks, however. It is important that companies thoroughly vet the EOR they are considering, as well as the employees they are hiring.

4. Keep remote employees satisfied

Best solution: use a benefits and wellbeing platform

Remote working has big advantages but also some particular things to keep in mind while keeping employees happy. 

Because you don't always have the face to face time and more casual interactions, you might miss out on employees who are not satisfied. 

Therefore you need to be more proactive in offering benefits and wellness programs to your remote employees to keep them happy.

With the help of a benefits management platform you can offer and track the use of employer benefits.

A benefits and wellbeing platform is an important tool for businesses to use to provide their employees with the support and resources needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This platform can include a wide range of features, from employee engagement and recognition programs, to comprehensive health insurance plans and wellness programs. It can also include features that help employers manage their benefits and wellbeing initiatives, such as access to analytics, reporting, and budgeting tools.

Additionally, there are many features that are designed to help employees manage their own benefits, such as access to their own personal accounts, tools for managing their health, and resources for finding the best options for their needs. Benefits and wellbeing platforms are designed to ensure that employees have the resources needed to take care of their own health, while also providing employers with the data and insights necessary to make informed decisions about how to best support their employees.

The use of a platform obviously does not solve everything when it comes to employer satisfaction. You also need to listen to what you employees need and create an environment of trust so your remote team members articulate their issues and needs so you can offer a (partial) solution for them.

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