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Newsletter: This is candidate outreach that converts 💌

Quality candidate outreach that is personalized and speaks to the candidate can make your recruitment game.

May 12, 2022
Yuma Heymans
September 7, 2022
I would like to add you to my network, best
- Lame Recruiter

Some recruiters get 10% response, some 50% or even higher. Most recruiters are closer to 10 than 50.

It's hard to write outreach messages that resonate with the candidate.

You need to have an understanding of who you're talking to and translate that image into a short story that's informative and enticing enough to act on.

The good news, good outreach messages can more than double your response rates.

😒 I am recruiter X, I have X job at X company, let's hop on a call

😃 I saw you are a fan of X, your X project is great, I share your passion for X

­­The outreach recipe 📜

1. Take some contact finder tools to know where to reach out.
Best contact finder tools
Cross reference social accounts
Hint: LinkedIn is not always the best way to reach out

2. Then you create some well-crafted messages, some inspiration, and examples:
Messages to engineers
Messages to sales executives
Connection invites...

Done 🍜

Have fun doubling your response rates.

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