A structured interview is a type of interview in which the interviewer asks the interviewee the same set of questions in the same order. This type of interview is used to collect reliable and valid data from the interviewee.
A structured interview is a type of interview in which the interviewer asks a predetermined set of questions to each candidate, in order to gather data that can be objectively analyzed. The questions are typically designed to assess specific skills or qualities that are relevant to the job in question.
The structured interview is often contrasted with the unstructured or "free-flowing" interview, in which the interviewer does not have a set list of questions and instead relies on his or her own intuition and observations to guide the conversation.
There are a number of advantages to using a structured interview. First, it allows for a more objective comparison of candidates, as the same questions are asked of each person. This can be especially helpful when interviewing a large number of candidates.
Second, a structured interview can help to reduce the potential for bias, as the interviewer is less likely to be influenced by personal factors such as appearance or mannerisms.
Third, structured interviews can be less time-consuming than unstructured interviews, as the interviewer does not need to come up with new questions on the spot.
Finally, structured interviews can be more reliable than unstructured interviews, as they are less likely to be affected by interviewer error or bias.
However, there are also some disadvantages to using a structured interview. First, the interviewer may not be able to probe deeper into a candidate's response if he or she feels that the answer is incomplete or unsatisfactory.
Second, the interview may feel less personal and more like an interrogation, which can make candidates feel uncomfortable.
Third, the interviewer may not be able to get a sense of the candidate's true personality or potential as he or she would in an unstructured interview.
Overall, the decision of whether to use a structured or unstructured interview will depend on the specific needs of the organization and the type of job being filled. If a job requires a high degree of accuracy and objectivity, then a structured interview may be the best option. If a job is more creative or requires more interpersonal skills, then an unstructured interview may be more effective.
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