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How to source talent on AngelList

AngelList provides startup and scaleup talent that doesn't only have the right skillset, but also the right mindset for a work environment with rapid change.

July 25, 2021
Yuma Heymans
December 17, 2021

Recruiting talent on AngelList

AngelList is a platform for startups, angel investors and job seekers. People on AngelList are intrinsically motivated to be part of a startup company. People sign up to AngelList because they are already deeply involved in the startup scene or because they are interested in getting to know it. AngelList offers an AngelList Source account with which profiles can be found of people who are interested in working in the startup world.

Key facts

  • Startup talent profiles
  • 2.5 million profiles
  • Focussed on people who work or want to work in the startup world


The information you can find on AngelList is similar to a LinkedIn profile. The biggest difference is that you will find people with experience predominantly at tech and startup related companies.

A: Experience years, current location and location preferences
B: Links to socials
C: Summary description
D: Experience
E: Education, skills, salary and desired role
F: Location preferences

How to search AngelList

Next to a job and talent platform, AngelList is also a community platform for startup founders and a matching platform for investors and founders. It is good to realize that you can have different accounts on AngelList. AngelList source is made for recruiters who want to find startup talent.

AngelList Source

Create an account and login to AngelList Source. A free version is available although you can only search for job title and location. More filters are available with premium.

AngelList Source

Google search

Search google for AngelList profiles. Important note is that it won’t search in all the candidates that are on AngelList Source. It will search for a small part of AngelList users who have created an AngelList profile on angel.co. But still can show interesting results.

site:angel.co/p saas sales

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